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About Secret Camping 

We are Niall and Marta, a couple from the Lake District.


We love the outdoors and going on adventures!


Secret Camping was thought up on a sunny afternoon in June as a solution to a growing problem - people are becoming disconnected with the world around them; especially the outdoors and nature. 


Working in tourism in the Lake District we have seen the increase in "whistle stop" tours, days spent in shops and queuing for photos!


People are missing out on the best of the Lakes. We want people to have the REAL experience. Immersed in stunning scenery. Reconnecting with nature. Far from the crowds. 




We offer exclusive wild glamping experiences - that means no busy campsites, secret locations away from the tour busses and luxurious camps set up ready for your arrival.


Wild camping can be a challenge (there's nothing worse than being cold and wet) - so to make life easier all our camps have showers, toilet facilities and log burning stoves inside the tents! 

What people are saying...


Emily, Guest

The tent and everything inside was beautiful (fluffiest rugs ever), this place is like staying in a hotel but better.”


Jack, Guest

“ The bed was supper comfortable and warm and when your camping, having a double bed and a warm fire that you can just leave crackling away while you sleep, honestly, what more can you as for?”


“If you like the idea of wild camping, but are rather too fond of home comforts, Secret Camping is for you.”

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